Welcome to Our New Web Site!

Welcome to the new look of the Greater Victoria Baseball Association web! We hope you enjoy our new format.  News items are now posted in blog format, complete with dates posted, and are automatically archived for future reference.  Anything you need to know about all of our teams can be found in the links to the right.  Information regarding game play, including schedules, rules and regulations and park directions are in the links to the left and much of our general information can be found in the main menu links in the black bar above. Scroll down on the right and check out current weather conditions in Victoria as well as a 3-day forecast and feel free to visit and join our Facebook Group by clicking the link on the left.  If you have any comments or questions regarding the new design , or wish to post a News item, please contact the GVBA webmaster, Chris Stewart, at cstewart@cjscons.com.

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