Tie Breaking Rules

This text is copied out of the BC Minor Baseball PDF for 2016 – Page 87 under Rule 29.
The current year’s rules decide this outcome; this is just a copy located here for convenience and may not necessarily be up to date.

Rule 29: Provincial Championship Tiebreaking Rules
29.01 Tiebreaker
The round robin tie breaking rules are set out below. Please note the following:
Statistics are calculated based upon the games between the teams that are tied with each other, and not all of the games in the competition.
If the first part of the rule places one team above others in the case of three or more teams involved in the tie, but the remaining teams are still tied, then the remaining parts of the rule are applied using statistics from the matches involving all of the original teams in the tie.
In the event that a team involved in a tie has forfeited a game played between tied teams they will be automatically eliminated from the tie and the criteria above will be used to determine placement between the remaining teams.
The team with the best win/loss record in the game(s) played between the tied teams will place higher in the standings.
(A) If the tie persists, the placement of teams will be dictated by the ratio of number of runs allowed per defensive inning. A defensive inning is defined as having taken the field and a pitch thrown.
(B) If the tie persists, the placement of teams will be dictated by the ratio of runs scored per offensive inning. An offensive inning is defined as having been at bat for at least one pitch.
(C) If the tie persists, then the team with the best won/loss record against the highest placed team not in the tie, followed by a comparison to the next placed team, etc., will place higher in the standings.
(D) If after the application of the four rules, there still remains a tie, then the four rules will be reapplied to the remaining tied teams, except that the statistics will be based on the games between only the remaining tied teams, and not all of the teams in the original tie.
(E) 10U & 11U (Mosquito) Divisions Only – if a tie persists then the records of all teams in the pool shall be used to determine the tie breaker.
29.02 Tiebreaker Game (Applies to 15U and 18U ONLY)
This rule applies to any Provincial Championship using a round robin format where the top two teams from each group advance to the semi-finals. In the event that there is a three way tie for first place (three teams at 2-1 or 3-1 depending on the size of the group) the tiebreaking rules as outlined in Rule 29.01 will be used to rank the teams. (Note: This rule does not apply to a tie for second place where teams have 2 or more losses) The team ranked first will advance to the semifinals. The 2nd and 3rd place teams will play a tiebreaker game to determine the second place team. The ranked second in the tie will be the home team for the tiebreaker game. This game will be written in the Provincial schedule by B.C.B.A. and Rule 20.06 may apply. The purpose of this rule is to ensure that teams are no longer eliminated from a provincial with only one loss.

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