BCMinor is putting on a Coaches Conference at the Langley Event Centre on Feb 7-9.
GVBA is trying to coordinate transportation and registration for all interested coaches between ALL our member parks. GVBA will coordinate transportation to catch the 7am ferry on Saturday February 8th and plan to return on the 7pm ferry. All coaches wanting to take advantage of the FREE ground transportation MUST sign up using the link below by Sunday February 2nd. GVBA will then send communication the action plan for the day to all who registered.
For more information abou the conference and transportation, please contact your park president @ /Contacts page.
BC Minor Baseball Association – Coach Conference 2020
Friday Feb. 7th 5:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Saturday Feb. 8th 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Sunday Feb. 9th 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Langley Event Centre, Langley BC
Register here: REGISTER NOW!
Or visit www.bcminorbaseball.org
Langley Events Centre Field House
Friday February 7th 15U/16U Players Clinics
6:00 PM – High Performance Players Clinic
Saturday February 8th 15U/16U Player Clinics
9:25 AM – Better athletes, better coaches (Jeff Krushell)
10:15 AM – BREAK
10:40 AM – Seven ways to lead your team (Bruce Brown)
11:35 AM – Appearance and performance enhancing substances (Don Hooton Jr)
12:20 PM – BREAK
1:20 PM – Players workout
2:35 PM – Enjoying life as a player and a coach (Bob Elliot)
Creating Successful Outcomes (Brad Robinson)
Sunday February 10th 13U Player Clinics
9:30 AM – 13U High-Performance players clinic