At the July 7th GVBA board meeting, there were a series of discussions regarding how the 2010 All-Star teams were selected and regarding various other All-Star subjects including irregularities on selections and failed notifications of both successful and unsuccessful participants. Much of what happened negatively over the summer was a result of new people being involved without a set of guidelines to assist them. Our GVBA divisional coordinators change as kids get older and the new ones can be quite lost on what is expected of them. We had five different division tryouts and we had three or four different procedures deployed. In response to this, the decision of the GVBA board was to strike a Summer All-Stars Review Committee that will work this off-season. The mandate given to this committee is to review GVBA summer all-star policy from top to bottom and provide recommendations to the GVBA board. It is hoped that this committee will be able to develop a program, complete with a "user guide" to assist all of our volunteers in what may be our most politically sensitive time of year.
To get things started, a Community Discussion and Dinner Meeting on GVBA Summer All-Stars has been scheduled for Monday September 20, 2010 at 6:00 PM at the Maple Room in the Strathcona Hotel. Topics to be discussed at the meeting will include: 1) the Team Manager Selection Process; 2) the Team Player Selection Process; 3) Timing issues (e.g. when do we assemble these teams and when can they commence practicing) and 4) Specific issues related to each Division.
All members of the GVBA baseball community are invited to attend and contribute their input, however attendees must be 19 years of age or over as this is a licensed facility. The meeting will be in a private room at the restaurant with a dedicated server and attendees may order from the full Strathcona dinner menu at their own cost.
The Committee and this Dinner Meeting is being chaired by Peninsula President Dave Swinton who will have gavel in hand and will attempt to keep the meeting focused and moving in the right direction. If you cannot attend, but feel you have something to add please send Dave your thoughts ( He is away Sept 12 – 19 so won’t be able to respond during that time.