Lambrick Park Fall Classic Baseball League Registration Now On!

After seven successful seasons the Fall Classic Baseball League will return for 2009. In 2009, there were almost 200 players on 14 teams. Pee Wees, Bantams, and Midgets play “under the lights” in late Summer and early Fall for a fun filled 10 game schedule of extra baseball. The Fall season will begin on Wednesday, September 8th and will last until the middle of October, with two games per week. Players from 9-17 years old will play at the Mosquito (9-10), Pee Wee (11-12), Bantam (13-14), or Midget (15-17) levels. Pee Wee, Bantam and Midget Games will be held on weeknights at Lambrick Park and on weekends at Lambrick and possibly other parks, depending on registration. Mosquito games will be held at various parks with dedicated Mosquito diamonds. Lambrick Park Baseball will once again be fielding teams for this extra season of minor baseball. Space is limited so register now for The 2010 Fall Classic Baseball League and enjoy our extra season under the lights at Lambrick Park. Registration forms are available on the website at and can be dropped off or mailed to:

Lambrick Park Baseball
Fall Ball Registration
4145 Lambrick Way
Victoria, B.C.
V8N 5R3

Cost is the same as last year at $90. Please contact David Miller with any questions at:

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