The Premier and Junior Premier Eagles are happy to announce their Fall Schedule. Fall Ball will commence with an open ID Camp for all players Thursday, September 9th at Lambrick Park. Registration begins at 5:30pm. If you have not already registered for Eagles Fall Ball, please consider online registration at
The Fall Ball schedule will consist of the following:
Senior Eagles
- 16 games to be played (mostly home) versus various Island teams
- Practices (twice a week) at Lambrick Park
- College Showcasing and Recruiting Information Sessions
- Senior Showcase in Washington State for graduating Seniors
- Las Vegas Dessert Classic (for those interested)
Junior Eagles
- 16 games to be played (mostly home) versus various Island teams, Fall Classic, etc.
- Practices (twice a week) at Lambrick Park
- College Showcasing and Recruiting Information Sessions
- Las Vegas Dessert Classic (for those interested).
For more information please email Gautam Srivastava at